Tuesday, October 03, 2006

High Hopes

I am going to start things off on a very exciting note, well, exciting to me anyway. Last night was my second Presbytery meeting. Although I didn't have much to say, or anything to say really, it was comforting to know that I understood so much more this time than I did one month ago. I guess I am progressing a little. But that wasn't the exciting thing. After, we went to Eduardo's parents house to wait on Flor, my host mom. She had gone to a birthday party for Eduardo's cousin. I was invited, but chose to go to the meeting instead. Anyway, it just happened to be Monday night and his dad just happens to have cable which includes ESPN. Now last year when I heard that Mondy Night Football was no longer going to be on ABC and that it was going to be on cable, I found myself thinking why in the world would they do that? Now that I am out in the world...I see why! It was great to see an actual football game, and not soccer. Also, browsing through the listings, I found a UNC game on in 2 weeks! This also restores my hope in catching some amazing UNC basketball this season! GO HEELS!!!

Ok, now on to things that all you great people actually come here to read about, what in the world is Jamie doing?

This weekend I worked with a new church. This one was the largest of the three I have worked with. I got there as they were beginning the Saturday night youth service. Someone forgot to infrom them before I arrived that I didn't speak very much Spanish. After my broken introduction, I go the impression that I was in charge. They wanted games and for me to expound on a Bible passage. At good ol' MPC, sure, no problem. After getting across that I didn't really have anything to say, I was directed to a guitar. Now, I only know one song in Spanish, which I mentioned last week, Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord. After playing this song so much in the past few weeks, I came to the realization this week that it had become a performance to me. I played it on Friday in about 5 different classrooms at my Compassion job. But I had let it become the very thing that I strive so hard to not let happen when I am given the opportunity to lead worship, to become just a song. Since I realized this, I have done a much better job of not singing to be singing, but to truly using the song to worship God and sing it from my heart. After the initial shock of being asked to lead the youth service, things were better and I kind of blended into the background as much as was possible. The next morning in the service, I was asked to introduce myself and sing. After the service, several of the youth went to one girls house for lunch. It was chicken and rice, with soup. It was all pretty good, but there was definetly a chichen foot in my soup. I spent the afternoon just hanging out with some of the youth and trying to answer their questoins. I also taught them them English words to Open the Eyes so we could sing together in the night service. Their youth group has about 20 or so members, and with me leading singing, it made me feel a little like I was at home in my church. One thing was definetly different though. They had a kid that plays the drums. Now I have only played with a drummer a few times and he was pretty good (thank you Chase!). This kid thought he could play the drums, and I think he thought he was pretty good but, bless his heart, he couldn't. But he was making a joyful, loud noise for the Lord. They also had me be in a little skit where I was the rich young ruler, complete with lines and everything.

Yesterday at my Compassion site, they had no teacher. Luckily I had my guitar so I spent most of the day playing and singing with the kids. I learned to words to a few new songs but boy do my fingers hurt today. I sang sanctuary and this one kid thought it was a great song, so I spent about an hour trying to teach it to him in English. I didn't realize how different the sounds are in English and Spanish were until you sit down one on one and try to teach someone something. Which reminds me. I have a HUGE prayer request. Tomorrow, October 4th I begin teaching English classes. I have 2 and a half hours to fill. I have some books, but I am not sure how much I am going to be able to get across if I can't explain it to them in Spanish. I know it will be fine because they are all people in the churches and are great people, but I guess I am a little anxious after trying to teach one person one song.

This coming Sunday night after church, I will be heading on my first trip out of Lima. All of the volunteers here are meeting in Huanuco for 3 days. I hear that it is a beautiful place and I am excited to see the other YAVs and catch up on what everyone has been doing. I am not sure when I will get a chance to update you guys again, but I will do it as soon as I can!

P.S. I love reading your comments, even if its just something short, just to see who all is reading!


At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie, In case no one reads your entry tonight, just know I'm praying for you and the English class. Enjoyed our talk today as always. I'm excited about your retreat coming up. Retreats are a good thing! Until next time....

Love you bunches!

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie-
Just to keep you updated on the girl's tennis (since I know you really want to hear) Eastern and Southern are tied for 2nd! Amazing right! It sounds like you are having a ton of fun and mostly in spanish! :-) I'm always praying for you! Love ya!

You are God's children whom he loves, so try to be like Him!
-Ephesians 5:1

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicken feet?!?!?! Are they a delicacy there, like the shrimp heads were in Mississippi??
Good luck teaching!! You'll be surprised how much Spanish you pick up by teaching someone else English! From my experience teaching spanish speaking students last semester, remember that using pictures and things around you can help explain what you are trying to say!
One of the boys, Lindell (i think) asked about you at Tanglewood the other day! Well, he actually asked who drives the van now. We gave him your blog site, maybe he'll check it out!
I'm glad you found a way to be able to watch Duke beat UNC this year. =) Hopefully i won't be in the middle of no where and can watch it too!

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie! It was so good to talk to you the other day! I'm glad you're getting to enjoy some of the comforts of home (meaning football!) We will probably be able to hear you screaming when Duke beats UNC in basketball later this year! HAHA! We love you!

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

sounds like you're making it, i knew you would...

hope all the other yavs are doing well..

...yeah, go heels

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolina lost today (10/7) I don't even know who they were playing, but they did loose. :( Haven't missed much around here, except Justin, Trace, and I had a sleep over at Justin's new church due to a an explosion at a nearby chemical waste facility! Very excitting...we were evacuated for around 36 hrs. Glad to hear things are getting a bit easier for you. Can't wait to hear how teaching Eng. goes! Take care! -Alison

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...yeah, mention the great drummer...leave out the AWESOME background guitarists!!! :-P keep me posted on what other songs you learn in spanish...who knows, maybe we could sing a whole retreat full of songs in spanish when you get back!!! :-)
talk to ya later,

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dude!!
By the time you get home, normal food will not be any good to you with all that cool stuff in Peru! Too bad you don't have a good old hamburger from McDonalds!! (I've had too many happy meals lately!)By the way...don't watch UNC play football...hope the basketball team does better!! :) Take care and love you!!

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! I just figured out how to get to your blog I think that that's so cool what you're doing! I know what you mean about the traffic over there, about a week ago, me and Sylvia watched a clip on Yahoo of a street there. The cars were going every whicha way! That is SO cool that you are teaching an English class! I hope it gose really well! By the way, why would you have a chicken foot in your food? Ew! That's grose! did you eat it?!
Bye for now!
Llamasong singer a.k.a megan

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Jamie!
An English Class! That is so sweet! Good luck with it all. This is only the second time that I have come online to look at the blogs. Megan and I read every single one of them aloud. I enjoyed your comments on the traffic. That part about the chicken foot was very cool. Megan and Jim have brought up a very interesting thought; did you eat the foot (or attempt to) (or find it in the middle of a bite)? I know that because you have not been able to communicate as well as you would like to you probably feel a little like you are not making as much progress as you would like to at the work sites, but God put you in Peru for a reason, so don't sweat it. You are making a big difference just by being there for these people. Keep up the good work!


PS: Pray for me; I am taking the SAT tommorow morning. Speaking of which, I'd best get to bed. Talk to you later!


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