Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I am now halfway through day #4 without having a conversation in English (and no, the ones in my head do not count). It seems like I am sitting around trying to soak up as much as I can and I find myself thinking that in a month or 2 I will be able to answer that question! But I couldn't have asked for a better 2 weeks.

This weekend was packed with activites which will be the norm for me. I am working with 9 different churches and they all want to get as much out of me as they can so Saturday's and Sunday's will be packed. This coming weekend for instance will be a campout, so I dont even get the night off! While some YAVs get to paint their apartment to make it look nicer (sorry to pick on you girls again!) Saturday I got to patch the holes in my wall so that air stops coming in. Over the course of the year, we will do this to the whole house. But it was fun to work alongside of Eduardo. We listened to a praise CD in spanish. Sunday we had a "barbeque" at his church to raise money for one of his members who was burned badly and will be in the hospital for the next 2 months. We grilled for about 3 hours. That was great getting to know the members of his church, but a little weird having the youth giggle every time I caught them looking at me. Its weird too that in the midst of all those people, I felt a little bit of loneliness. I think it was just so familiar, the getting together with new family and friends, that made me miss my family and my church.

Then yesterday was my first day of work. I went to one of the churches where I will go every Monday to help out with the Compassion program that they have there. Imagine, if you will, that you are in middle school again. You walk in to your classroom and find a strange man sitting in the corner, and for the next 3 hours, he sits there. You try to ask him questions, but he looks at you with a blank stare like he has no idea what you are saying. Then you turn to one of your friends and say something about him and you all laugh. This was the first impression I made on the kids. I felt like a teacher's assistant, who was a mute. I know that it will get better, but just the initial lostness of it all. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again at a different church with different kids!

Today being my day off, I finally ventured to the internet cabin near my house to be here with you now. It was nice to sleep in, considering that for the past 2 nights, the neighborhood dogs have decided to bark ALL NIGHT LONG. Not to mention that they are building beside my house and start bright and early at 6. Anyway, enough of my complaining. I really do love it here and am looking forward to sharing it with you!


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jamie-

How about some pictures!

Enjoying the blog. Keep it up. -The Roths

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting into the groove!! Alex just had his 3rd birthday party. Time passes so quickly and it will for you, too. There is a reason and plan for you....you will see. Good luck with the barking dogs!! :)
Love you, Chris, Tonya, Alex, and Aaron

At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you! Your Spanish will come. Complete immersion is the fastest way to learn! At least it is for my kindergarteners! Just remember you are in our prayers and we love you! Enjoy the next few weeks as you get used to your job. Just think in a few weeks you'll be able to understand what people are saying about you! (good or bad!!!) I know that everyone down there will be touched by you just like your friends and family here. We miss you a lot! But hearing from you makes you feel closer! Enjoy the campout!

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie! I have enjoyed reading your entries. God is working in such an awesome way in your life. It is such a blessing to see. You have such a positive attitude about where God has you right now and that's great! I am praying for you that God continues to make you feel "at home" there and to help you learn your Spanish quickly. He is ABLE. Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us..." He will meet all your needs, I have no doubt. Take care! and ps...let me know if you see a NCSU hat....Go Pack! :)

At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww..Jim's comment made me feel good. :-) But, really, we are doing a pretty good job!! :-P Of course, we do miss you like CRAZY, but are coping as best we know how...it's tough...:-)


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