Monday, August 14, 2006

Welcome to my life...

I thought that I would kick this thing off with a little bit about how I got to this point in my life. I am going to warn you now, this could get a little bit lengthy!

For some time now I have really been struggling with where God was leading me and what He wanted me to do with my life. For too long I have tried to plan out things well into the future, and the problem with that is that I was planning things the way that I wanted them to turn out. I believe that everything that I have done in my life up to this point, has been getting me ready and has been leading to this point. Not only that, but that the experience I will have over the next year in Peru, will be training me and getting me ready for the next steps that God has in store for me, whatever that may be. I have no idea what God wants me to do a year from now, but that's ok, I know what He wants me to do now, and that when the time comes for me to know the next step, He will be there to help me take it.

I first felt God calling me into the mission field in the summer of 2003 at our youth mission trip to Charleston, SC. It was pretty clear that God wanted me to serve Him in a better way than I was doing, but I didn't really know how to go about that. So, I didn't change much at all. I stayed where I felt comfortable, and took on a few more responsibilities at church, and decided that I would look into going to seminary, all the while knowing that nothing was going to happen any time soon because I wasn't ready.

Over the next year, I continued living my comfortable life, not stepping out on faith, or really getting involved in too many things that would take me out of my comfort zone. While I didn't really change anything for God, He was slowly changing things for me, preparing me for something that I did not know was coming. As I became more involved in the leadership of the youth group at Mebane Presbyterian, God was using that to get me ready for His next calling on my life.

As I began to find out that I couldn't run from God for too long, I began applying to seminary, thinking that that was my next step, just to discover, that it wasn't exactly going to be as easy as I thought it was to listen to God. After being turned down from several schools, I was at a loss. What was it that I was supposed to do? And why wasn't it clear?

In my search for what was next, I came upon a program offered by the Presbyterian Church (USA) called the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program. After looking into the specifics, it looked as if this might be the next step. After many interviews and a lot of praying, it turns out that God was preparing me for ministry in Peru...So that's why I took so much Spanish!

As I look back over the time I have spent at MPC, I see so many ways that God has prepared me for this next great adventure with Him. I have been given opportunities there to lead worship, bible study, mission trips, and be a part of the ministry they are doing in the community. And most importantly, He has given me a support group, a church and a youth group that loves me and is praying for me and I listen to His call. I have learned so much from the youth and my fellow leaders and now I have been given an opportunity to share that with others.

As I said my goodbyes at church yesterday, I was reminded of that over and over again, I have a church family there who loves me and will be praying for me. As I step out with God to help in His work, I am very blessed to have that kind of support.


At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't have any comments yet, so I thought I'd contribute. Have fun in Peru, and keep in touch!!! :-D

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie-
I hope you are having a lot of fun right now. You are going to have so many stories to tell us, you better keep in touch! We all miss you so much! Have fun! Love ya! :-)

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just tell everyone that your best friend is a carpenter who trains fishermen.


At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jaimie-
I thought i should leave a comment because three just isn't enough for someone as special to MPC youth as you:)We're praying for ya...have fun and learn as much as you can!!!

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

The other day I went back to my old blogs and re-read them, trying to think really hard about what I was thinking or feeling when I wrote them. I thought it was really strange to see where I was then and how things have ended up now. I guess you won't see this message unless you already have re-read your own, but I hope sometime soon or later you can look back on this and think just how amazing God is and how amazing this opportunity is. Just how much you've grown and how far God has brought you. I hope you're doing well and I miss you all. Peace.


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